Strategy Tools & Templates

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool used to develop new business models or document existing ones. The development of the business model canvas came about as a way to create more agile and concise business planning tools. Rather than the rigor and detail of a traditional business plan, the business model canvas allows small business owners, entrepreneurs, and their teams to brainstorm a variety of ideas and business models.

Consisting of nine building blocks presented as visual charts that describe how a business intends to make money, the business model canvas covers value propositions, customers, finances, and infrastructure. The format promotes logical, systematic thinking while allowing room for creativity and flexibility within the business model.

Tools and Templates for Comprehensive Business Strategies

These resources provide a structured framework for assessing the current state of your industry, business, and competition, to identify opportunities to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. These tools and templates help small business owners prioritize objectives and allocate resources effectively. By outlining goals and action plans, these resources ensure that efforts are focused on activities that align with the overall strategy, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Our collection of resources, tools, and templates is designed to give you everything you need to develop growth strategies, streamline operations, enhance marketing efforts, or optimize financial planning.

If your business requires a partner in developing strategies to improve growth, operations, resource allocation, or financial planning, schedule a discovery session today to see how we can help grow your business!

Use the PESTEL analysis template to deeply understand the macro-environment that shapes their industry including the following six factors: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. Understand how these factors influence competition, consumer behaviors, supplier relationships, the regulatory environment, and other industry characteristics.

A detailed PESTEL analysis equips leadership teams with the knowledge to make more informed strategic decisions and proactively adapt to changing market conditions, capitalizing on emerging trends.

The Porter’s Five Forces framework template helps small business owners analyze the forces driving competitive intensity in their industry. Develop a deeper understanding of the power of suppliers and consumers, the threat of new entrants and substitutes, and the competitive rivalry that shapes your industry.

Porter’s Five Forces can help give your leadership team the tools needed to identify opportunities within your industry to establish strategies that help establish a competitive advantage and promote long-term success.

The Strategy Choice Cascade template is a great framework that encourages business owners to think about the organization's purpose, where to play, how to win, the capabilities required to win in the chosen way, and the management systems and measures to support the choices.

This structured approach to strategic planning presents an integrated set of choices that ensures all strategic aspects and considerations are aligned and mutually reinforcing, positioning the business in its industry to develop a sustainable competitive advantage and deliver superior value compared to the competition.

The Ansoff Matrix was initially introduced in 1957 and has stood the test of time as a way for businesses to evaluate the risk and resource requirements of potential growth strategies. This template details the different strategies introduced by the matrix: Market Penetration, Market Development, Product Development, and Diversification.

The Ansoff Matrix can help small business owners assess how potential growth strategies match their existing capabilities and risk tolerance to make an informed strategic decision.

Our SWOT analysis template helps business leaders define the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing their organization or a potential project. A SWOT analysis provides leaders with a nuanced understanding of their organization's capabilities and challenges by systematically categorizing these characteristics.

Empower your leadership team to develop comprehensive strategies to capitalize on strengths and opportunities while minimizing the risks posed by internal weaknesses and external threats. This strategic foresight is fundamental to developing a sustainable competitive advantage.

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